Sep 14, 2006

i'm so vain

Got an e-mail from NY:

"Dear Jens:
Please see the attached letter, about your nomination to serve as the ECHO Ambassador for your country.
We are looking forward to you joining the ECHO Awards in this exciting new role."

"International ECHO Ambassadors are nominated by members of the International ECHO Awards Committee and approved by the full Committee. Candidates are nominated because of their professional experience, seniority and stature in the direct marketing community in their respective countries. One Ambassador will be appointed for most countries. We are very pleased to inform you that you have been nominated to be the ECHO Ambassador for Norway.

It would be a great honor for the ECHO Committee and the ECHO Awards to have you on board as an Ambassador for Norway."

Hey...flattery will get you anywhere!!!!


Jan W. Skjølberg said...

en gang satt jeg i en ola-bil jurie. veldig lokalt, men likevel. jeg stemte på alle.

Skåning in Norway said...

som en sann diplomat. ambassadør kanskje?