Oct 31, 2012

and the snow keeps falling

Completely forgot to remove both the the trampoline...

...and the terrace furniture.

Pray for a short winter.

can't you see i'm in misery

DanNY: Sandy!
Sandy: Tell me about it, stud.

Oct 30, 2012

christmas is slowly creeping up on us #3

Colourful window exhibition with and old black and white TV-set.

The Old Town, Stockholm.

the ice king

Preparing the outdoor skating rink in Kungsträdgården, Stockholm, on Saturday. At noon:

And in the evening:

People will soon skate around the statue of king Karl/Charles XIII.

autumn ends winter begins

Winter's coming. Welcome to the border.

On my way to work this morning.

Oct 29, 2012

staying in a sea sleeping in winter

Stayed at Nordic Sea Hotel during the weekend in Stockholm.

Each door "opened up" to a selected Stockholm site. Room 649 – a winter dream:

The aquarium in the lobby:

first snow football

Football practice at Nadderud. Most of the snow that fell earlier today has disappeared.

The boys give it all in a game of 3 vs. 3.

cutting hair beneath my feet

Hairdressing in Stockholm.

It's all about looking good – from all angles.

giants went tiger hunting

An appropriate t-shirt to wear today:

A clean sweep.

Oct 28, 2012

bond or burst

The Swedish word "skyfall" means "cloudburst".

What'll fall in Stockholm? What'll burst? Thunderbond is back.

laughing ghost

Happy haunting!

Halloween is approaching. Ghosts visited Stockholm this weekend.

there's a frog in my beer

Lunch, Friday (October 26).

At Grodan ("The Frog").

tourist where i used to live

Revisited the Swedish capital this weekend. I lived in Stockholm (Timmermansgatan) between August 1996 and May 1998, and try to squeeze in a trip or two every year

Here I am – Mr. Super Tourist – in Gamla Stan/The Old Town.

Oct 25, 2012

driving under water

The Opera-tunnel in Oslo. We're driving below the Oslo fjord/Oslo harbour.

Oct 22, 2012

snails and an s-bird

"So, this snail is standing in front of the Cadillac salesman, see, and says, "How much is that Cadillac?" The snail says, "I want a big “S” put on each door and on top of the car, I want a big “S” so everybody can see it."Salesman says, "Why do you want that?" He says, "When I drive down the avenue...I want everybody to say, “Look at that S-car-go." "Look at the S-car-go."" (Trading Places 1983)

In Swedish "sniglar" means  "snails". Perhaps it's the same in Icelandic.

And while we're at it – have a look at this S-bird from Sanibel, Florida (July 2012):

lesson learned from iceland's financial crisis

No money to waste. No waste-water.

At Þingvellir, Iceland, July 2012.

autumn serenade for 11 strings

Today at Bjørnegård:

"October is the best, turns roads into beautiful trails
The rime on the windows, the leafs on your coat, the frost on the cars
and the rails
Still, out on the ocean, those memories are bringing me down
But I've heard there's a symphony playing you to sleep when you drown
October, again and again"

Oct 21, 2012

merrily married magic mice

Mice or men? Why do people dress up like this? OK, we're in a place where anything goes. But seriously...

Magic Kingdom, July 2012.

gathering leaves can be so much fun

I remember a B.C.-comic strip (by Johnny Hart) from around 1990. It went something like this:

"Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. He went gathering leaves in Vermont with Julia Roberts."
Still funny. Translated into 2012-ish; just replace Julia with Scarlett Johansson.

This picture of a tree going bald was taken today at Nadderud. Lots of leaves to gather.

house of dead

The horror the horror.

Evil times in the midst of summer. Reykjavik, July 2012.

Oct 20, 2012

under an orientalish umbrella

True football weather. It's pissing down.
Ullern Cup, boys 2000.

Some umbrellas are more oriental than others.

wet parking

Another rainy Saturday at the car park.

A Mini is in danger of being flooded.

Oct 17, 2012

chestnuts that fell in fall

In summer everything is OK.

But in autumn everything has to die.

from 0-4 to 4-4 in less than 30 minutes

Germany usually wins after 90 minutes of football. 90 minutes + 3 is something completely different.

haikü "oktoberfest dagen efter":

ein, zwei, drei, vier. fan.
ett, två, tre, fyr, nästan fe(l)m.
bara ett poäng.

Oct 16, 2012

walking home in autumn #2

Glad I'm walking and not car queuing.

3,3 km home from work. Great exercise.

Oct 14, 2012

the (red) bull flight

Another haiku in Norwegian.

En haiku/-okse (rød) som handler om å komme hjem:

fuglen felix falt
fritt i fire minutter.
landet. var det alt?

In English something like....:

A haiku about coming home:

the bird felix fell,
free falling for four minutes.
landed. lived to the tell.

Alt. version:

the toreador
felix fought for four minutes;
the bull gave him wings.

sunday movie


First time for the kids. They loved it. Timeless entertainment.

christmas is slowly creeping up on us

Julebrusen (the Christmas Soft Drink/Lemonade) has already hit the stores. Making sure you're fed up with it well before December.

zip it up

Tree art.

Treeykjavik, July 2012.