Mar 3, 2008

maybe a cross

Måndag morgon.
Hur säkra en bra start på veckan?

Jo, besök och deras "The World's 16 Least Inspiring Flags" (av Michael Rottman).
En genomgång av världens märkligaste och dummaste flaggor. Fullt med obetalbara kommentarer och observationer (varför har t ex figurerna på "Special Olympics"-flaggan 6 armar, eller snarare; why not...)

Se här en smakbit:

#12. & #11. & #10.
Indonesia & Monaco & Poland
And now, the death of originality.Meaning:
"Okay, get ready for this: red bar, white bar! Can I get an amen? No one, I mean no one, is gonna see this coming! The rest of the world can dick around with stars and triangles and more than two hues, but they're gonna shit a brick when we bust out this monster! What? Of course no one else on earth has thought of this! Red and white have no significance anywhere but here. If I'm wrong, may our prince's wife die in a car accident."

* Guess which one is Poland?
* Each flag has a fascinating history, they each have origins in the olden days and the colors have a long and storied histories, all of which was canceled out at the first Olympics when two dames showed up in the same dress, so to speak.
* Does this mean Indonesia is already halfway to brutally annexing another tiny country? Harsh.

Motto inspired by flag:
Indonesia: "Hey Monaco, what the fuck?"
Monaco: "Hey Indonesia, what the fuck?"
Poland: "Would you like to hear about Lech Walesa?"

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