Sep 29, 2009

dagens bästa mejl

Hvem eier en sort audi under kastanje treet? tror den burde flyttes...

another day at work

Alan Shore: First of all, the idea of giving representation to that thug…
Denny Crane: Alan, c'mon, we hate all our clients. It's good to hate, allows us to overcharge and still sleep at night.
(Boston Legal)

Sep 28, 2009

just discovered boston legal, and that has made all the difference

Alan Shore: One last proposal that's entirely possible... I'm kidding by the way, depending upon your reaction; 300,000 sealed! We kick back fifty to you under the table.
Attorney: Mr. Shore, I guarantee you I am not that kind of attorney.
Alan Shore: Really? Gosh, I am.
Attorney: I should report you directly to the bar, if not the district attorney.
Alan Shore: Well, if that's how you feel, then I was kidding.

Sep 24, 2009

scottish proverb of the day

Whisky may not cure the common cold, but it fails more agreeably than most other things.

Sep 23, 2009

unleash direct

Gick med i Max Marketing Mix 2009-gruppen på Facebook. Fick då upp följande förslag till andra närliggande grupper:
# Folk som er oppvokst i Sandefjord
# Oss som har større drømmer enn billig bensin
Jepp. Låter relevant.

welsh proverb of the day

A wife's advice is not worth much, but woe to the husband who refuses to take it.

moblog: en sådan vill jag ha

Perfekt att slöa i innan dagens första möte.

Sep 22, 2009

welsh proverb of the day

Three things it is best to avoid: a strange dog, a flood, and a man who thinks he is wise.

Sep 17, 2009

moblog: mandarin morning in the afternoon

In a tea-cup.

just another one-to-one-day at work

Why I'm useful:
Keep customers from defecting.
Win greater share of wallet.
Prompt customers to make additional purchases.
Yield insight into customer behaviour and preferences.
Turn a profit.

Sep 16, 2009

alla är vinnare

Norsk politisk retorik når en oanad botten:

- Men Frp har gjort tidenes beste resultat i historien.
(Siv Jensen på söndagskvällen)

Sep 14, 2009

Sep 5, 2009

jesper och gänget; stabæk 8 (pojkar 2000)

Action från Jutul Cupens dag 1. Ny start imorgon kl. 08.30.
Jesper på väg genom ett något stillastående försvar.Shoulder to shoulder. Head and toe. Stabæk mot Lommedalen.Nr 70 på Stabæk 8 (pojkar 2000), returernas mästare, Jesper Lassen Harrison på väg mot nya mål. Idag sjöng nätmaskorna två gånger.

jutul cup helg 2

Dag 1.
Stabæk 8 (pojkar 2000).

3 3 0 0 10-3 9 (3-1, 3-2, 4-0)

moblog: jutul cup helg 2